Thursday, February 2, 2012

January Reading Wrap-Up

Did January kick anyone else's ass this month? I feel like I've seen a lot of posts about reading slumps and not getting any reading done and stuff like that. Or maybe that was just me looking for people to commiserate with. January and moving have been major reading motivation zappers. Hopefully I'll shake this thing in February. Let's do this thing:

Number of books read

Total pages read

Percentage of fiction read

Percentage of female authors
0% - whomp

Percentage of white authors
100% - another whomp

Percentage of US authors

Percentage of eBooks

Percentage of re-reads

Books written by decade
1600s(ish) - 25%
2000s - 75%

I'd say I should make goals for next month like less white authors and more lady writers. But instead I'm going to say "just read something". Keeping the expectations low.